ANCAP SAFETY, the independent vehicle safety authority in Australasia, has granted five-star safety ratings to the electric vehicles BYD SEAL and BYD DOLPHIN. These models are among the first to be evaluated using the updated 2023 criteria.
The BYD SEAL and BYD DOLPHIN underwent comprehensive structural crash tests. Both vehicles were assessed for their crash protection and their capability to prevent collisions with cars, pedestrians, cyclists, and now, motorcycles.

The BYD SEAL earned maximum points for driver and child passenger protection in specific tests. However, certain areas like the driver's chest and lower legs in specific tests were rated as Adequate.
The BYD DOLPHIN showcased a combination of Good and Adequate ratings for adult occupant protection. It received a Marginal rating for the driver's chest in one test but scored maximum points for child occupant protection.
Both vehicles, the SEAL and the DOLPHIN, are equipped with a center airbag. This feature aims to reduce injuries from potential head contact between front seat passengers or with the vehicle's side during side impacts.

Under the 2023 criteria, the vehicles were also tested for cyclist detection. Both models have an anti-dooring system that sounds a warning. However, neither has a temporary door locking system.
Another 2023 testing addition is the assessment of vehicle access if submerged. Both vehicles met the 'door opening' standard, ensuring doors function for at least two minutes if power is lost underwater. However, they did not meet the 'window opening' standard.
ANCAP CEO, Carla Hoorweg, commented on the rigorous 2023 criteria and expressed satisfaction with the five-star ratings achieved by the three models tested this year. She anticipates similar results for upcoming models.

For a detailed safety performance review of the BYD DOLPHIN and BYD SEAL, ANCAP's official website provides more information.

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